Our Products

Water Conditioning Products for Plumbing Professionals

Improve your bottom line with products your customers will love.

Our two-step certification program will teach you the basics of water conditioning so you’re ready to sell, install and service Novo products. Plus, our FREE certified plumber kit gives you everything you need to get started.

Webinar Training Series

A FREE webinar series to help you build your water conditioning business and improve your bottom line.

During this 10 week session, our experts will teach you the fundamentals of water conditioning including softening, filters, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet disinfection. Plus, you can earn a free water conditioning system for your home.

Introducing UV Systems Built for the Professional Channel

A Security System For Your Water UV technology provides additional security for your water supply. It is proven to control microbiological (bacteria & virus) issues in water including E.coli, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia Lamblia without the use of chemicals.

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Tech Tip 

Water Treatment 101

Plumbers are trusted advisors when it comes to water treatment. Many of the problems you’ve been called to fix may have started with the water, even on municipal water supplies. Adding water treatment to your business is an opportunity to better serve customers, grow your customer base, and add recurring service and parts revenue to your income.

Over 50 years of manufacturing industry-leading, water conditioning products backed by expert support.

  • 1.2 million sq ft State-of-the-Art Mfg Facility

  • ISO9001:2015 Quality Assurance Certified

  • ISO14001:2004 Environmental Mgmt Systems

  • World Class Testing Laboratory

  • Consumer Driven Features That Set You Apart

  • Largest Field Sales Force in North America

  • Customer Service Team Averaging 20+ Years

  • Leading High-Efficiency Technology

Commercial Products

Offer your business and commercial customers a significantly higher Return-On-Investment (R.O.I.) using Canature WaterGroup High-Efficiency Products.