85TA 1" Series Water Softener
Purchasing an 85TA 1" Series Water Softener for your home?
Our 85 TA 1” (Twin Alternating) Series softeners provide up to 16.6 gpm of
continuous soft water 24 hours a day. They are engineered and thoroughly tested to provide years of reliable, trouble free performance with minimal maintenance.
Up Flow: Provides high efficiency and ultra low hardness leakage
Master Controller: Fully programmable electronic controller with adjustable cycles
Alternating Flow: One tank is always off-line for regeneration or ready in standby
Advanced Diagnostic Information: Easily trouble shoot and access system information displayed in real time
Back Wash Override: Reduces regeneration water usage by skipping preset number of back wash cycles
Soft water Refill: Adds treated water to the brine tank to keep brine clean and reduces maintenance
Optional: Stainless steel piping manifold
Optional: Aux output closed during full regeneration cycle
Up Flow Regeneration with Precision Brining
Traditional Down Flow softeners deplete the unused portion of the resin bed with every regeneration. It is like draining the gas tank in your car before you fill it up! Up Flow Regen drives the hardness minerals up through the already depleted resin and out to the drain - saving both salt and the unused portion of the resin for future use.
Precision brining saves additional salt by pre-making only 70% of the brine. Just before regeneration, the computer calculates the precise amount of brine top-up needed to regenerate only the depleted resin saving up to 30% more salt.
Up Flow Regeneration